  • The form #1 does not exist or it is not published.

Advanced Websites [CMS]

. Posted in Web Design

Take Control of your Website Content. Add and Modify your Website Content from your web-based Control Panel . No longer do you need to call the web developer to add or make changes to your website. Firms Online's easy to use professional Web Content Management System (CMS) puts you in control of your Website. The standard features on the CMS web site is sufficient for most businesses to showcase their products and services, however if you require special features to interact with your clients they can be added into the CMS allowing your website to grow with your business.

Now you can take advantage of the power and efficiency of the World Wide Web. Make your website the Communication Centre for your business.



User Management

CMS has a registration system that allows users to configure personal options. There are various user groups with various types of permissions on what users are allowed to access, edit, publish and administrate. A company with more than one staff can use this features to allocate responsibility to staff and monitor their work.

Media Manager

The Media Manager is the tool for easily managing media files or folders and you can configure the type settings to handle any type of file. The Media Manager is integrated into the Article Editor tool so you can grab images and other files at any time.

Banner Management

It's easy to set up banners on your Website using the Banner Manager, starting with creating a client profile. Once you add campaigns and as many banners as you need, you can set impression numbers, special URLs, and more. Advertise on your website for additional income, including Google adds.


If you want to find out more about your users, it's easy to create polls on your website with multiple options.


Help navigate users to most popular search items and provide the admin with search statistics.

Web Link Management

Providing link resources for site users is simple and you can sort them into categories, even count every click.

Syndication and Newsfeed Management

It's easy to syndicate your site content, allowing your users to subscribe to new content in their favorite RSS reader. It's equally easy to integrate RSS feeds from other sources and aggregate them all on your site.



Content Management System website. Package includes the following:
  • 1 Web address (URL)
  • Free hosting for the first year - thereafter £120 will be chargeable per annum (this fee will be for your hosting and domain registration - you will not have to pay anything else to keep your site up and running)
  • 5 Email address or email forwarding
  • Website designed to your specification - we will meet with you and take advice on the site layout and design.
  • Your company contact details such as name, address, phone and email
  • Google map
  • Contact Form
  • Unlimited information pages with CMS (We will create up to 5 pages but you can create more as needed)
  • Information Modules - forms, product showcase, etc
  • Social Network - links to Facebook and twitter to promote the site
  • Banner Management - easy to set up banners on your website 
  • Polls - features to create multiple polls/questionnaires
  • Web Link Management - automated feature to create directory of links to other sites
  • Syndication and Newsfeed management
  • Site Search - search facility to find pages on the site
  • User registration and login - once registered users can see a members menu with more pages
  • Website SEO and submission to top 10 search engines including Google and Yahoo

Job sharing

Many sites are operated by a team distributed between offices, companies or even countries. Because all the major tools have a web interface, participants can perform their task and view its results from anywhere with web access. And with a sensible CMS security model, you can be sure that only authorised people can perform authorised tasks.

Advance and refresh

You can specify dates and times for the content to go live and be archived or removed, along with the contents target audience segments. If content is removed or archived, the CMS will ensure that the remaining content is still structurally consistent, without leaving orphaned links to the deleted asset.

No more accidents

With a CMS, it becomes very difficult for content assets to be on the site accidentally. Any updates must pass through commissioning, creation and one or more predefined signoff steps before the system will publish it. The resulting audit trail provides accountability for each action.

Speed to market

When you have a CMS, you suddenly have a tremendous advantage in the time it takes to react to market intelligence. You can write, edit and publish updates in a matter of minutes without suffering from "WebMaster Bottleneck".

Mass Mailing Your Registered Customers

Administators quickly and efficiently communicate with users one-on-one through private messaging or all site users via the mass mailing system. Contact your customers when ever you want with specials offers and news.

Content Management

You can organize your content any way you want and not necessarily how it will be on your Website. Your users can rate articles, e-mail them to a friend, or automatically save a PDF. Administrators (the owner) can archive content for safekeeping, hiding it from site visitors.

Creating content is simple with the 'What you see is what you get' (WYSIWYG) editor, giving even novice users the ability to combine text, images in an attractive way. Once you've created your articles, there are a number of pre-installed modules to show the most popular articles, latest new items, newsflashes, related articles, and more.

Menu Manager

The Menu Manager allows you to create as many menus and menu items as you need. You can structure your menu hierarchy (and nested menu items) completely independent of your content structure. Put one menu in multiple places and in any style you want; use rollovers, dropdown, flyouts and just about any other navigation system you can think of. Also automatic breadcrumbs are generated to help navigate your site users.

System Features

Speedy page loads are possible with page caching, granular-level module caching, and GZIP page compression.

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